Drinks That Actually Kill Hunger
Different situations call for different measures and while this may sound very unreasonable but drinks (only some though) actually have the potential to satisfy your hunger and in some cases, they do it really well. In the hot summers of Pakistan, one doesn’t always feel like having a meal even though meals such as breakfast are more than just important in our day so in order to compensate, drinks can be a very effective and reasonable contingency. All you need to do is make sure that at one point or another, you’re still getting the right amount of nutrition inside you because we don’t want to wait and see the catastrophic effects of living on drinks. Moving on to a short list of some of the most satisfying drinks!
Milk Shakes
Milkshakes are essentially a very healthy mixture of milk and fruits and this makes them very satisfying in terms of the filling effect that a big mug of milkshake can offer. Especially when one is served an ice cold mango milkshake on a summer evening or a banana milkshake in the morning, one can make it big time through a rough routine and still enjoy the shake.
Just a more refined and slightly more filling form of milkshakes, smoothies especially the home made ones are a meal themselves with all the yogurt and fruit in them. The best possible smoothie one can get is the one made purely from home made yogurt and fresh fruit (preferably from a kitchen garden), one can literally live on it for days.
Fruit Juices
The best effect only comes with fresh home made juices but the good ones bought from grocery stores can also serve the purpose well. The packed juices have one typical advantage of tasting much more refined as compared to home squeezed juices but we all know what’s the more organic and healthier option. Leaving it to your convineance, juices can be very filling and healthy if taken the right kind and the right number of glasses. Even better with breakfast, orange juice has almost become tradition.
Though it may sound blunt, but we can’t ignore the fact that milk by itself is the most healthy drink and can essentially be used a meal if one desperately feels the need to eat something in critical times. Adding some kind of syrups or powders make it even better and easier to swallow (which I’m sure many kids struggle with). Even plain white sugar can make it taste a whole lot more enjoyable though I’d prefer brown sugar.