Top 5 Fittest Foods For Staying Healthy

For the many days that one just doesn’t feel right, the meal that is taken is on one position to be blamed. A proper meal has the power to completely change our life, how we work and think and how we socialise. All very important parts of our life. So if you happen to be going through a situation where you just don’t know whats wrong, consider investing time into your meal plans, it can be more important than you think. Even if you’re going to the gym, a good meal plan is crucial to your utmost fitness.
Green is always good and you know it. Though green vegetables are super important to proper growth and fitness, broccoli has a somewhat more significant effect on our body. As for it’s nutritional value, it is a wholesome source of dietary fiber, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin E, manganese, phosphorus, choline, vitamin B1 and vitamin A. All this and much more in one meal. The best way to have broccoli is not to cook it but boil or steam it. Sure steaming is the slowest cooking method but one with the most nutrition preserved.
Tomatoes are something we usually take in our meals but what I want to emphasise on here is that foods of Pakistani people normally have tomatoes but they’re cooked with the curry, this is where we go wrong. Cooking cancels out on all nutritional value and thats not good. What’s best is that you use raw tomatoes. In the curry or elsewhere, your options are not limited. Tomatoes contain all four major carotenoids: alpha- and beta-carotene, lutein, and lycopene. Lycopene is present in very large amounts and incase you didn’t know, it serves as an amazing anti-oxidant.
Oatmeal is such an amazing meal that they even declared October 29th as National Oatmeal Day! Oatmeal is a breakfast with benefits of so many things combined. Apart from many minerals present in oats, when oatmeal is taken as cereal the most important thing we obtain are dietary fibres. Now dietary fibres fix so much stuff in our body and they are really good for people with metabolical issues. Moreover a decent meal with dietary fibres also helps in relieving constipation.
So I have a friend who is a gym enthusiast and he’s a total fan of blueberries. The most interesting thing is that blueberries can be used to ward off heart diseases. Along with that their nutritional content includes the blueberry’s fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and phytonutrient content. They also helps to control cholesterol levels and in general help to maintain good health.
Here’s one for seafood lovers. Seafoods and salmon in general are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and are a great source of protein. Perfect for gym going people. Along with that they are stocked with Vitamin B, potassium and antioxidants. So every things linked together, you get better at weight control and reduce a risk for heart diseases.